2024 Decoded

A humble attempt at capturing a year of work and play



, 1 min.

They say the best ideas come when you step away from your desk. Last year, I did a bit more of that, finding the balance between work and life.

My newest project didn’t involve any prototypes or user testing – unless you count the slugs sampling my lettuce. Taking on an allotment taught me more about patience than any product launch ever could.

Fortunately, what made 2024 special was how existing partnerships, who’s projects began as simple collaborations evolved into rich, ongoing oppertunities. The trust built over time is shared when doing good work.

The annual reflection

While a little late. We find our selves at the beginning of another year and another milestone. Reflecting on the past year is a powerful reminder of gratitude when life can feel like a blur.

I put together another one-page narrative, mixing professional achievements with personal moments (those experiences beyond the screen I mentioned earlier).

Thanks as ever to Jon Trace for the wonderful vivid illustrations and animations.

Take a look at my 2023 Decoded by following the link below.

Same again in 2025? See you then x

Tags: Review