Cash Pointers Infographic
Infographics and publication design for 1625 Independent People charity project evaluation report.

1625 Independent People is a charity that support young people aged 16 – 25 who are at risk of becoming homeless or are already homeless. Through various initiatives 1625 Independent People support up to 500 young people at any given time.
Cash Pointers is a project delivered by 1625 Independent People and funded by the Big Lottery (that ran for 5 years), helping young people learn about financial capability.
The Challenge
Compose a suite of infographics and compile a publication to celebrate the Cash Pointers project and communicate the findings in a 30-page evaluation report.
The brief asked to find a creative way to help communicate a complex set of information – including statistics and quotes – in a way that would be fun and accessible for different audiences, including for funders’ and young people who had used the service.

I worked closely with project staff to develop the concept where young people are the ‘superheroes’ at the centre of the project.
It was important to communicate the financial challenges faced by vulnerable young people, as well as important progress made by the individuals and the initiative over the five years of the project.
We drew inspiration form Information Is Beautiful by David McCandless as how to present data and visualise the findings of the report.
The publication was featured twice on Behance. Firstly, in the Curated Gallery for Graphic Design and secondly, in the curated Creative Tools section for Adobe Illustrator.

Theng Yen Chen – Graphic Design
Cristiano Almeida – Illustrations